Psychic Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Psychic Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
All About Online Psychics
A wide array of psychic services are now offered online. But how credible are they, and how can you find someone genuine?...
Astral Projection
The man’s body lay still but his spirit floated over head. He was able to look down and see his body as it lay, seemingly asleep, on the bed- in its hands were…...
Ghost Hunters and Mainstream Media
Welcome to Ghost Hunters, a reality TV show on the Sci Fi Channel where a couple of plumbers with a fascination for the paranormal began renting themselves out as…...
Pet Psychics
The woman places her hand over the dog’s head, closes her eyes and begins to hum. The woman stops the humming, opens her eyes, and gives the dog a vigorous rub before…...
Psi Corp - Examining Government's Interest in Psi
In many ways science fiction is a fairly reliable prophetic medium, one in which the boundaries and limitations of today’s reality hold no sway over the imagination.…...
Taking a Look at the Society for Psychical Research
An organization founded at the twilight of the 19th century, the Society for Psychical Research has succeeded in at least one area far beyond many similar…...
Telephone Psychic
Wouldn't it be great if there was an instruction manual for life? If you could flip through the book and find the answers on all your difficult questions and…...
The Akashic Field & Akashic Records
Somehow, somewhere, every thought, every deed, every moment of time is being recorded. This is the concept behind the akashic records, a library of sorts that retains…...
The Goals of Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)
PEAR was the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab, where researched searched for answers and understanding on the interaction of humans and machines. While…...
Twins and ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)
Twins have been a natural subject matter for those exploring the possibility and seeking evidence of ESP,...