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Are You Psychic?

By: Chris Welsh - Updated: 24 Oct 2010 | comments*Discuss
Psychic Psychic Sensitivity Esp Remote

On a lazy Sunday afternoon right around tea, the phone rings and stops you in your tracks. You haven’t answered the call yet, but you know you don’t want to; an unnatural feeling of dread seizes you and you are sure that on the other end of that phone call is Bad News. After picking up the phone you discover your fears confirmed as you hear about an accident involving a loved one. Much later, after dealing with the pressing needs of the accident, you think back on that phone call, and how you just knew it was going to be bad news. How did you know and, more importantly, what does it mean that you did know?

Are You Psychic?
Wouldn’t you know if you were? Isn’t the point of being psychic being able to see the future? The short answers here are No and No, although it is often assumed that the answers to both are yes. In popular entertainment The Psychic is often portrayed more of a Precognitive or Remove Viewer, but there are many different kinds of psychic abilities and categories as there are different kinds of people. Many believe that all people are psychic, pointing to the general experience most have of Déjà vu, or anticipating bad news or an emergency; in which case the question might be more accurately posed as “How psychic are you?” In either case what some call psychic ability others chalk up to chance, coincidence or even provide natural, scientific reasoning for. Being psychic does not immediately confer an awareness of psychic; thus, the question is a perfectly legitimate one.

Testing your PS
Your PS, or Psychic Sensitivity, is a good step towards answering the question. Unless and until you can demonstrate psychic ability beyond a reasonable doubt, you will likely be tuning into your PS for a while, trying to connect with the part of you that is most psychically aware. How does one test their PS? First and foremost, by simply attempting to do so.

Consider the following scenarios and questions and how they relate to your experiences. Many of them might seem familiar to you in varying degrees- it is the depth of that familiarity that measures PS.

Psychic Sensitivity Test
Don’t be nervous! This isn’t that kind of test; simply consider the question or situation and answer as honestly as you can. If it doesn’t apply to you, don’t try to force it- likewise if it does apply to you, don’t try to hide from it.

Do you feel connected to your environment in a special way, such as walking into a familiar room and getting a sense when something is out of place?

Have you ever had a dream that later came to pass?

Do you often know who is calling when the phone rings before you answer?

Do you frequently experience déjà vu?

Do you find yourself finishing other people’s sentences in your head, as if you knew what they would say?

Have you ever felt a strange attraction or connection to an object or place, even if you have never seen it before?

Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt an immediate connection with them, or a sense of danger?

Assessing your Answers
You probably noticed there were no answers for you to choose from in taking this test, no “Yes” or “No” or “on a scale from 1 to 10.” The reason for this is because the test itself does not determine whether or not a person is psychic, rather it gets the person in the frame of mind to answer the question for himself or herself. If the answer to all of the above was along the lines of “Maybe” or “once or twice” and there are no other, like examples in your life, then odds are good you are no more psychic than the average person. If, on the other hand, your answers were passionately and strongly on the other end of the spectrum, your PS is likely very high.

Likewise the answer may not come quickly. There may be more tests for you to take, more investigation to undertake, before you can answer the question once and for all. The important thing for now is not the answer, but that you are asking the question at all.

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